
About Us

According to legend, in ancient times, Prometheus stole fire from the gods and handed it over to humans as a gift. As time rolled on, people figured out that fire isn’t just about warmth and light, it contains an impulse for transformation, strength and inspiration.

In speedy tech age, it is now the turn of people to pass not actual fire but a flow of ideas, inspiration, and support. That’s where the “Keron” Foundation steps in.

Keron Development Foundation’s mission is to create an environment attractive for passionate and proactive individuals with strong human capital, where their endeavors bring fruitful results for themselves, society, and the country.

We initiate positive changes by highlighting real success stories of passionate people, we support the spread of the successful experience, strengthening and expanding its impact.


Mareta Gevorkyan

My vision is to cultivate an environment in Armenia, through Keron’s activities, that attracts hardworking and enterprising individuals. By fostering real success cases, we aim to build a sustainable future for Armenia. Our mission is to ensure that these individuals’ efforts yield prosperous results for themselves, our society, and our country.

Through collective endeavors, we strive to support various sectors and contribute to the prosperity of Armenia

Mareta Gevorkyan

Executive Director

Vanane Ararktsyan

I firmly believe that professionalism, dedication and enthusiasm guarantee success in every job. The foundation’s name “keron”, meaning torch, candle and light, along with its logo—representing numerous small and large scale projects coming together to form a complete picture—symbolize our mission and vision.

Every initiative implemented by Keron aims to enhance the recognition, development, and promotion of Armenia.

Vanane Ararktsyan